Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Fresh Start

I am going to be healthy.

I am starting now.  (well, okay, I started and then stopped and then started and stopped again... and repeated for the past 12 years)

I am starting for real now.  :)

This is the most I've ever weighed in my life.  I'd like to lose weight and look sexy again.  But that's only part of what's driving me.  What really is forcing me to get my butt in gear is that I'm starting to feel the weight.

When I lay down at night, I can only sleep on my right side because laying on my left hurts too much.  When I do anything at all that involves my knees, it sounds like I just put popcorn in the microwave.  When my kids want to play Hullabaloo, I can only make it for a few rounds before I get tired and sit down.

Oh, and one other thing.  Both of my sisters and my mom have battled, or are presently battling cancer.

So... I am making a commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle.  I don't know exactly what healthy means for my body and what changes I'll need to make.  I do know that means I'm going to have a lot of trial and error along the way.  But that's okay.  I'm going to change, even if I have to drag myself along until I get the hang of it lol.

First attempt: juicing.